It’s never too late in life to laugh

A Humor Filled Bonanza To Cheer Our Days for Us Funny Old-Timers

A bit of levity always brightens our days

Richard Armstrong
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2022


Photo by furkanfdemir from Pexels

I don’t know about you, but I have a funny bone that will not roll over and die. That’s a good thing, since the world around us at times is grim. I have a penchant for remembering funny stuff. So, here’s my handoff to you. And, oh, I have a little quiz at the end.

A day without laughter is a day wasted. Charlie Chaplin.

  1. Two old gentlemen sitting on a park bench, Oscar and Henry. Henry, “Oscar, what are you doing today?” “Nothing,” said Oscar. “You said that yesterday, snorted Henry. Wisecracker Oscar, “Because I wasn’t done doing nothing yesterday, that’s why.”

2. The judge in the courtroom made Hank, the accused criminal, stand up. The judge bellowed, “Have you ever been up before me?” Hank, “I don’t know. About what time do you get up?”

3. If a retired drummer ever comes out of retirement to rejoin the band. Will there be repercussions?

4. The experienced golfer always took an extra pair of pants with him when he played. Just in case he got a hole in one.



Richard Armstrong
Crow’s Feet

An Intentional octogenarian optimist. Your past is not a prophet, at best; it is only a teacher. So, let's make the change before the change, changes us.